Wednesday, February 11, 2009


ok I'm on a little vent tantrum at the moment. Can someone please tell me what's the point of insurance other than increasing the amount of people in our lives that get to legally RIP US OFF! If it's not the doctors jacking up their bills, it's the insurances not wanting to cover a damn thing after you pay them hundreds of dollars each month. Then if they do cover what you need, they slap on this huge deductible rate. WTF!!! They need to just come out and say hey we will rip you off if you go with our insurance. Then your jobs make it seem your getting such a deal by getting it through them. Obama wants to fix something..go there! Make insurance affordable for families not on welfare. Make them have set rates, deductibles, and plans, also write it in lame mans terms so that the average person can understand wtf they just purchased, so that we're not getting our hard earned money ripped off and leaving you feeling less than for not understanding your own benefits.. !!!!
ok I guess my tantrum is over....
hope everyone has a nice day!


  1. Oh I know the feeling! You forgot to mention where they won't cover something if it's not a certain amount, no matter whether it's within a few bucks of that amount! You're so right, they are just a bunch of rip offs! Honestly you could pay for a visit with the money that you spend every month on insurance!

  2. I completely agree! And what's this mess if you have a previous ailment?? that they won't cover it for a certain amount of time...isn't that the whole point of getting insurance.duh!!!! Completely ridiculous!!!!
